Total Recall

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Feb 15 - This was the last week of training implements heavy before the competition. I wanted to focus on the super yoke because it has been a weak point for me in the past.


880x60 in 12 sec

This was one of my best runs leading up to the Arnold. I had been working on my breathing and IMO that has helped me from having so many drops in a run. Next week I may do a few sets of the empty yoke(550lbs) along with the sandbag. I have video of my last run and will post it when I get a chance.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Feb 6 Event Training

This was one of my last heavy event training days. I was still a bit sore from my axle press on Wednesday where I hit a PR of 400.



The 900 was not very fast but I did the full 60ft without any drops. I still have a few more weeks to work on my foot speed.

Stones to 53 inch bar


380x9 total reps, the tacky I was using was horrible. I had heated it in the microwave and after my first rep the tacky was hard and covered in dirt. As soon as I got home I ordered some jack tack.







My body weight is around 288-290 which is good because my cardio is still really good. My plan is to get up to 295 for the show. Only two more weeks of training left...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Training for the Arnold strongman

This was one of my better training sessions for the deadlift. Ive struggled with this lift for a long time so I was happy with the result yesterday. My back was very tight and sore after but I still managed to do yoke and stones.


my last two sets were 605x2, and 675x5 which was a PR. My goal is to deadlift 725x3 or 775x1 before Canada's Strongest Man in August.


880x60ft my back was very tight at this point so I stopped


380x lapped it 5 times, I couldn't budge it off my lap lol my back was done.

270x10 from lap to 56inches

I feel Im right where I should be in terms of strength, next weekend I will be doing only Yoke and stones. My goal next weekend for the yoke is 900lbsx60ft and the 270lbs sandbag back for 60ft, and the 380 stone for 3-5 reps over a 56inch bar. If all goes well I should be ready for the Arnold where I hope to place top 10.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

first event training session for the Arnold Classic 2010

This was my first event training for the Arnold Classic in March. Im not in the best shape but I still have 8 weeks to change that lol.

Log clean and press 314x2x4reps

Farmers walk 315x2x60ft

Box squat w/purple band 665x3

Stones 275x6 - 54inches?

Im not where I should be IMO so ill take a few days off and try completing Day 1 of the competition again