Total Recall

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 15

Speed DL from 12 inches - This will be the height the max deadlift will be from at the competition in April. We had 405lbs in plate weight and 80lbs approx. in chains. I did 3 sets of 3 reps, after every rep 10lbs per side was added to the bar to slow the stretch reflex the body usually has while doing repetitions.

Super Yoke - I worked up to 700lbs for 120ft with drop and turns at 40 ft. I will attempt 900lbs for 80ft in about 5 weeks.

Front Squat for time - I started this exercise mainly to build pain tolerance. I used 315lbs and squatted to a parallel box, once I could not complete anymore reps my partner would add another box making the squat higher but allowing me to continue until my 75 sec was up. I lost count but I think the reps were somewhere around 25-27.

I used my BCAA drink a bit differently this workout also, instead of sipping on 20-30grams of Mettle by Precision I drank 10grams immediately  after each large set. I felt this worked better for my overall  endurance of the 120 min workout.
Coming off of a small back injury while attempting to deadlift 375kg I decided to take it easy the first few weeks of my training cycle for Giants Live qualifier in Las Vegas in April

Feb 8

14 inch Deadlift - worked up to 585x11 deadstop each rep. I was embarrassed that all I could manage was 11 but I still had some back pain and decided to stop.

Decline GHR - I can usually manage 20 or more reps weighted on a regular GHR, but we elevated the back of the machine and I struggled with 3x5.

2inch DB row - 140x5, 140x8

Farmers holds - 250x70sec

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Precision PRO/Las Vegas Giants Live qualifier training

Just received my first supplement package as a Precision PRO! Training for the Las Vegas Giants live qualifier and the road to qualifying for the World's Strongest Man competition starts today. First training session will be tomorrow after a lengthy/painful massage.