Total Recall

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Wed March 20/ Fri March 22

Wed March 20

DB row - 75lbs x6x10reps, I did these in between warm up sets of DB press

Giant DB - up to 200lbsx6 reps. Right hand only. My plan is to get 9 reps within a 90 sec time limit by June

V bar chins w/ Fat Gripz - 2x10

Blue band rows - 2x30 reps

Fri March 22

11 inch Reverse band DL, approx. 100lbs  off bottom of lift. band de-load above knee - Up to 875lbsx1 rep

Sand bag load over 58 inches - 305x3, 345x1

Super Yoke - 450x5 sets of 30ft

Decline Glute Ham raises - 11 reps, 8 reps

side planks + 35lbs - 60 sec x2 sets

V sit ups 3x10

My Pre-Workout shake consisted of 50grams of I-PLX whey protein and 50 grams of Waxy Maize

My post workout shake was 30 grams of BCAA mettle, put on a stringer and went home.